Sandra Hebestreit

Research Assistant

Sandra Hebestreit completed her Master’s degree in Biochemistry at FSU Jena in 2017, spending her final year of study doing research at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research in Uppsala, Sweden, where she worked on the identification of de-ubiquitinases in the context of breast cancer.

Since then, Sandra has been deepening her competencies and skills as a laboratory technician. In doing so, she first worked at the Institute of Nutritional Sciences at Friedrich Schiller University Jena for two years, eventually moving to the MPI for the Science of Human History in the Department of Archaeology in mid-2019. Here, Sandra worked as a laboratory technician for the Department of Archaeoproteomics and ZooMS, applying modern molecular techniques for protein purification and identification to historical, unique materials. Here, the focus was particularly on mass spectrometric methods (LC-MS/MS and MALDI-TOF-MS). Since early 2021, Sandra now supports the Zielinski Lab staff as laboratory technician.